The sense organs are those organs that allow man to interact, at different levels, with the world around him. Through the sensory art and design will be activated sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste and the wisdom of the body to explore and experience in a deeper way social, political and ambiental connections, in order to stimulate our perceptions and raise questions about our current and future living mode.

The invention of the alphabet and the resulting intensification of the visual sense in the communication process gave sight priority over other senses, and the effect was so powerful that it went beyond communication through language to reshape society’s conception and use of space.

as Terrence Gordon wrote in McLuhan's biography: When he published Understanding Media in 1964, he was disturbed about mankind’s shuffling toward the twenty-first century in the shackles of nineteenth century perceptions. He might be no less disturbed today.

McLuhan’s defines that media are technological extensions of the body. This invariably entails a psychological dimension.